Every tenth person looks at the phone while making love

Cell phone addiction has gone too far. A survey conducted by the company SureCell showed that every tenth person is obsessed with their smartphones, so much that they even check them while making love.
In addition, 43 percent of participants admitted that they do it all the time and are mostly between 18 and 34 years old.
The New York Post reports that none of this should come as a big surprise, as for the past five years, many have been ignoring their partner because they are continually reviewing tweets and current affairs on social media on their iPhone.
Nearly half of the people in the previous research admitted that they do it frequently. Even when trying to relax over dinner with a partner, as many as 33 percent of respondents say they couldn’t keep their fingers away from those touch screens.
Many respondents said that it is their mobile phone that destroys their love life.