‘Does your ex-lover’ spoil a beautiful photo? Editmyex removes him/her

What do you do after a relationship breaks with those photos that you are looking for… together with the one who is your ex-lover by now? Do you leave it that way, or is your contact so chilled that you secretly just want to get rid of him/her? Then ‘EditMyEx’ is for you.

For £8.99 (about 10.5 euros) per digital photo, the British online business photoshops your ex-lover away. The method is simple. You upload the photo to be edited on their site, briefly explain what needs to be done and pays. Within 48 hours you will receive the photo back via your e-mail, without any trace of your ex-lover to be seen.

Founder Mark Rofe got the idea when he wanted to help a friend who just had a bad relationship behind him. As a gift, he edited a photo and swept away the ex-friend with photo software. The girlfriend was pleased with the result, something Rofe was thinking. Since he started the service, the business is like a train. The entrepreneur specialized in digital marketing has already had to recruit several staff members to meet customer demand.

Does your ex-lover  spoil a beautiful photo? Editmyex removes him/her

Those who have four or more photos processed do not pay 8.99 but 6.99 pounds (8 euros) per photo. If the photo turns out to be too complex to edit, you will receive the money back.


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