Excuses that keep you away from prosperity and success

It’s not the circumstances or bad luck, but we can be to blame for the fact that nothing works out for us. And the reason lies in what we tell ourselves. For dreams and goals to become reality, you must use eight excuses less often that distance you from success.

8 Excuses that keep you away from prosperity and success

1. “I don’t have enough time”

There may be insufficient time because your life consists of work, household chores, entertainment, and problem-solving. But let’s be realistic: we have twenty-four hours a day. And success does not depend at all on luck or a good combination of circumstances but on how we spend our own time.

Think about it: if you skip the evening viewing of the series or refuse to scroll through the feed on social networks to drown out boredom, you can carve out half an hour or more. By spending them wisely, you’ll be closer to your dream than you thought.

2. “I’m waiting for inspiration”

Are you waiting for the perfect moment to start moving towards your goal? I don’t want to upset you, but there isn’t a “good opportunity.” Life is not a series of red and green traffic lights that require a temporary stop and waiting for the proper signal.

Whether launching a dream project or applying for a new job, the longer you wait for the right opportunity, the lower the chance you’ll succeed. Of course, you should not commit rash and reckless acts. Visit. A F I N I K .C O M .For the full article. But still, remember that action creates inspiration, not the other way around. Move, even if you don’t want to, to get the momentum to help you achieve your goals.

3. “People will laugh at me”

Worrying about the opinions of others as an excuse is a common phenomenon. It’s a surefire way to get stuck in your shell and not try anything new. It’s worth noting that most people don’t care about you because they’re too busy worrying about themselves. Focus on your goals, not on the thoughts of others, if you want to achieve more.

4. “What if I fail?”

Failure can seem like a big and scary monster lurking around every corner. But do you know what’s creepy? Never try to stay in one place, especially if that place doesn’t suit you. Failure doesn’t make you a bad person. It is a reflection of the fact that you are learning and striving to become better. Every successful person you admire has failed. There were many of them, and they helped him get to where he is now. The only real setback worth worrying about is inaction.

5. “It’s too late for me”

Vincent Van Gogh began painting at the age of twenty-eight, creating the most significant works towards the end of his life. Alan Rickman got his first serious role at the age of forty-two. Do you think the phrase “It’s too late for me” is a great excuse? No matter how old you are, there is no deadline to achieve your goals. Stop comparing your “achievement timeline” with others because everyone has their path. It’s better to focus on where you’ll get to make the most of your current situation.

6. “I can do it tomorrow”

Procrastination is a despicable thing, no matter how you look at it. She makes us believe we can put off things that must be done today as long as we want. Often, along with it comes the excuse that the next day, we will have the strength, energy, and motivation we don’t have right now. But this is just self-deception, convenient for doing nothing.

The more often you put things off until tomorrow, the more often that deadline turns into a week, a month, years, or “never.” Suddenly, your dreams are just dreams, and you can’t get back the lost time. Start today, even if it’s a tiny step toward your goal.

7. “I’m just not good enough”

This excuse is the most painful, as it is personal. Self-doubt often seems like an irrefutable truth, but it’s a story you tell yourself. If you can formulate ten reasons why you are not good enough in your head, then you can find ten reasons why you deserve more. Challenge negative thinking and the excuses that come with it, which lower your self-esteem and confidence.

Remind yourself more often that personal growth and success take time and effort. We achieve something by going a long way, and that’s commendable. So remember all your small and big victories to gain motivation and overcome the thought, “I’m not good enough.”

8. “I don’t have the skills and resources”

It’s easy to believe, especially when looking at other people’s photos on social media. Different people have all the skills and resources necessary to achieve a goal, and you are deprived of it. The good news is that you can learn anything if you want to. You can find something that suits you with the Internet, books, and courses.

As for resources, approach this issue creatively: sometimes, people who use free tools and share skills with others succeed much faster than those who rely only on start-up capital. Start with what you have and continue to develop using whatever opportunities are available to you rather than making excuses under your breath.

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