Fake story of woman without womb, gives birth to quadruplets after 14 years

As reported on a Zambian Accurate Information Facebook page, a woman without womb and had been described as being infertile for 14 years, have given birth to four healthy babies at a time. The fake news, or false news in good English, abound on the Internet and are widely relayed by the social networks.
On January 18th, the aforementioned Facebook page posted a post with title “WOMAN GIVES BIRTH TO 4 HEALTHY BABIES AFTER BEING BARREN FOR 14 YEARS!”. Yet no one is surprise of the information because such incident always occurs. But the post does not stop on the title, it adds; “Most Shocking… She had her uterus removed 8 years ago due to multiple fibroids”. “She has been barren for 14 years, people used to mock her because of this and relatives to her husband hated her to the fullest. But after 14 years… this is what she got… 2 boys and 2 girls all healthy ones! But what has shocked doctors most is that this same woman had her womb/uterus removed in 2010 due to multiple fibroid. But how she conceived and successfully gave birth to 4 babies without an operation! This is amazing!”
In a short time, the post went viral, one of the prove that fake news goes viral. The weird side of it was not the sharing of the information by its Facebook fans but some well-known news media, bloggers, immediately captured the post, updating it on their various site and making it go viral without proper verifications to validate the information.
The post has generated over 16 thousand comments and shared by thousands of users, but the information left some questions to be answered.
The evidence of this story is insufficient. The name of the woman or husband is not there, the place where this woman lived or the country where the incident took place or the hospital at which all this thing has took place even the Doctors or nurses are not avail.

The above picture is “Mrs. Ruth Onyekachi Buzugbe of Okpe-Abavo in Ika South, Delta State, who delivered of quadruplets at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Asaba, Nigeria. On September 30th 2018
But most of the people that commented on that post believed that it’s a miracle and God can do everything. Some African always brainwash with religious posts, believes that no need of asking more details. Likewise, the wise ones that insisted on providing more information. For example, one of the fans wrote; “I’m not saying that these things cannot happen, the question is where exactly this thing is and who is the mother of these so-called babies, the only problem with you believers of today you thinking and creating fake stories in the capacity of the Lord.” While another comment says; “To be inquisitive is to be an enemy of Revelation, Revelation is divine science is tradition and where traditions reign God bypasses to the one with open Spirit.”
This post has been going viral in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and other parts of African countries, but none of the site owners, editors or writers have ever considered that such post has left many unanswered questions or do they just using the influence to gain traffics, if so, it has shown that fake news therefore generates a lot of traffic and therefore income.