Freeze frame: Viral photos of Senegalese minister inside a Baobab

The mystical nature in one of countries in West Africa. The Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in Senegal, Mary Teuw Niane, has been captioned fit-in in the middle of Baobab (a genus of deciduous trees). What a perfect frame and beautiful picture that explains the perfectness of our nature.
According to some online users, this could be one of great place for tourist attraction in Senegal. But some believed it’s a mystic nature in African continent.
But what can Mary Teuw Niane do in this baobab? This is the question that almost all Internet users ask after seeing this picture. One can see the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation inside a Baobab Fadial in the pictures below:
Simple coincidence or mystical, the debate remains open on the web.