Imam caught with a woman: I want to satisfy myself before prayer

An imam was filmed making love with another woman in his car. The woman reportedly videoes the scene and sent to his wife. The events took place in Khar Yalla, Senegal.

According to Les Echos, Imam El Hadji Aboubacar Diallo wanted to satisfy his l!bido with his girlfriend Marième Soda Traoré, a 33-year-old nurse, before going to lead the Friday prayer.

The two lovebirds then entered the cleric’s car

for a game of legs in the air. Once in the car, the imam would have exhibited his intimate part, according to local sources.

Meanwhile, his partner reportedly filmed him during the incident and sent the footage to his sending wife and brother.

Informed about the leakage of the video, the cleric took the case to court.

Judged last Friday at the bar of the court of flagrante delicto in Dakar, Marième Soda Traore received a suspended sentence of three months in prison.

For his part, Imam Diallo was lectured by the judge. The latter believe that the imam gives a bad image of Islam. “What will those you lead in prayer say when they learn of your actions,” the prosecutor emphasized.

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