Funniest side of animals: with which nominee do you laugh the loudest?

On 13 November, for the fifth year in a row, a prize will be awarded to the funniest animal photograph. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Award is a British prize that collects the hilarious shots of animals and then selects a winner. It’s already a pre-selection of the nominees.

One thing seems to be sure: the seal above clearly finds itself hilarious. According to the photographer of the picture, the seal may have been yawning in reality. The result was this lovely picture: one of the contenders for the Comedy Wildlife Photography Award.

“Bad hair day”

Funniest side of animals: with which nominee do you laugh the loudest?
©Eric Keller

Even animals don’t always look good. This penguin does prove that. He might have made himself beautiful for the photo, but a strong gust of wind threw a spanner in the works and made the poor animal look like an idiot.

Crown jewels

©Sarah Louise Skinner

After a group of lions had spent a quiet afternoon in the sun, one of the (half-blind) cubs wanted to play. He also had a particular toy in mind: the crown jewels of one of the older lions. Fortunately for the old lion, the mischievous cub missed its target.


comedy wildlife photography award
©Thomas D. Mangelsen ©www.mange

Gombe, the little chimpanzee in the picture is only ten months old, but already earns a prize for the ‘most relaxed Chimp in the world’. The little chimpanzee leans comfortably against his mother and doesn’t seem to care at all about what is happening around him.


comedy wildlife photography award

The little egret in the photo was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bird received a – not so fresh – shower as a gift from the white rhino.

Attention seeker

Funniest side of animals: with which nominee do you laugh the loudest?
©Ryan Jefferds

“Look at me,” the chimpanzee seems to be screaming in this photo. The animal waves his arms so that his peers give him some fruit, and he clearly finds the attention that he gets.

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