Google lashes out at Microsoft, which wants tech platforms to pay for news

Tech company Google has lashed out at Microsoft to discuss whether or not to pay for news posted on various platforms. Microsoft would turn media parties negotiating the terms with “naked corporate opportunity” against tech companies, Google said.

Google, which is part of the Alphabet, stated in a blog post that Microsoft would give news publishers more power in the negotiations. The software company argued in the US Congress for media companies to join forces in negotiations with, for example, Google and Facebook.

‘They go back to their trusted practice of attacking competitors and lobbying for regulations that serve their interests, stressed Kent Walker, Google’s chief of legal affairs. ‘They are now making claims about themselves and are even willing to tear down the way the open web works in an attempt to undermine a competitor.’

Google’s statement came ahead of a hearing by the House of Representatives’ antitrust panel today discussing proposals to help publishers. One of those present is Microsoft chairman Brad Smith.

Microsoft is urging policymakers worldwide to approve measures to force tech platforms to pay to post news.

The software maker previously publicly supported a law in Australia that prompted Facebook to impose a news freeze on its platforms last month. Microsoft also called for a similar measure in Europe.

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