Gush! Woman bites jogger for spraying her dog

An American is in the cell after biting a jogger. She did this after the runner sprayed pepper spray on her dog. The incident happened on Thursday in a recreational area, in the eastern conurbation of San Francisco.

The 19-year old Alma Cadwalader was arrested the next day. According to police, she released her dog in the nature park on Thursday, but she could not prevent it from trying to bite a future jogger. The runner ran up with pepper spray to take the dog off. According to the police, Cadwalader did not leave this unpunished. She ran after the jogger, tackled her, gave her a few punches and bit her several times in the forearm. The bite marks were clearly visible.

Cadwalader from the city of Oakland is accused of maltreatment with serious physical injury. She must also answer for the theft of the pepper spray.

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