How comb transformed history of humanity: from Slavic crest of the talisman to the tool of stylist

Hair at all times people considered a source of strength and beauty. The advent of the comb has changed a lot in people’s lives. Thanks to this item, it was possible to maintain the hair properly. The combs were made from the bones of fish and animals, stones and coral, metal, wood, and plastic, and silicone. The Slavs believed that the comb was the strongest amulet to protect and heal a person. A dreaming comb predicts great luck. Experts advise you to adhere to some rules when choosing a comb. This is the key to neatness and a healthy look for your hair.

From fish skeleton to magical artifact

comb made from fish and animal bones

The first combs were made from the bones of fish or animals, the shell of turtles, corals, and wood. Later they began to be forged from metal.

Repeatedly during excavations, archaeologists have found unique ridges. In particular, among the Scythians, they were made of gold, and scenes from battles are depicted on the handle. The ancient Egyptians wore wigs and decorated them with combs too. Among the hieroglyphs, a sign was found that resembled a crest. True, it meant the rain that falls from heaven to earth.

Athletes and warriors of Ancient Rome and Greece cut their hair. Everyone else wore long curls. For men, hair is served as a napkin in these areas during meals. It was believed that if you wipe your mouth with hair, then the hair will be healthy and well-groomed. After eating, they had to be thoroughly combed out with a comb to get rid of food debris and excess fat. But this only applied to men.

But women treated their hair with care, keeping it clean. Every Greek or Roman woman had combs and hairpins. Wealthy ladies could afford these products made of gold, silver, mahogany, and many expensive hair ornaments. All ancient Greek goddesses necessarily had combs, maintaining the purity and beauty of their hair.

From a comb to art on the head

In Medieval Europe, combs were very expensive. Probably because their craftsmen made from the horns of a large animal. The technology was difficult and time-consuming. Plus, everything was done by hand. Combs made of bone or gold were used for more than just combing hair. Being in their hair, they emphasized the lady’s status in society.

For medieval women tidying up their heads was the first thing to do. Although in those days, Europe was unsanitary. Bathing was rare, and the foul odor was cleverly masked by perfume. Nevertheless, lush hairstyles were in fashion, requiring a lot of patience and time. The combs were indispensable here.

The Renaissance era brought new fashion trends and interest in high hairstyles that were attached to wireframes. Real artisans could make such works of art. The richer the girl was, the more jewelry was woven into her hair.

Therefore, in the arsenal of the master, there was a whole set of combs. The hairstyles were amazing. However, because of the rare washing of the hair, lice settled there. To remedy this unpleasant situation, a “louse comb” was used. It was made of pig bristles. Ordinary people also had such products. But the teeth were made of hedgehog needles.

The Spanish combs were a true work of art. It was a tall tortoiseshell comb, lavishly decorated with inlays and carvings. The material was mainly ivory, and the teeth were made in 2 rows. Japanese youths made their own combs and presented them to selected girls. The comb in the hair meant reciprocity.


In 1862, these products became available to all categories of the population. And all thanks to the invention of plastic, from which they began to be made. After 7 years, the Hyatt brothers invented celluloid. Now combs did not need to be made from animal bones and shells. Such combs have become even more accessible and varied in shape.

Why the comb was considered a talisman


According to Slavic customs, a comb is not just a means for combing hair but a talisman against the evil eye and ailments. In Russia, the object was often used in fortune telling, in love magic. Our ancestors considered the comb to be a symbol of natural magic. Probably because the object was in contact with human hair. But the center of vitality is hidden in the hair. After all, it is not for nothing that long hair was considered a strong defense against everything evil and magical.

A comb takes pride of place in dreams. However, different peoples have their own interpretations:

A comb or hairbrush has one characteristic. They can capture and store the power of the universe. Therefore, the comb should not be given to other people for use. Slavic healers, applying a special coloring or drawing to this object, could make it a powerful shield against black magic. It is interesting that combs have not only magical but also healing properties.

If they are made of natural material, they can restore the state of mind and harmony, cleanse the energy of a person, heal from some ailments:


In the modern world, combs made from natural materials are increasingly being purchased. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on hair health. In addition, they are conductors of positive energy.

Secrets of choosing the right combs


It would seem that there may be secrets in the choice of combs. They will all comb their hair the same way. However, this is a delusion.

Experts advise paying attention to

The comb is a personal product. Therefore, you should not give your comb to anyone. These items require regular care and cleaning, especially those made from natural materials. If even one tooth is broken in the comb, discard it. Otherwise, it will harm the person.

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