How to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts? 10 ways to get it

A mess in your head leads to distraction, negatively affects your emotional state, increases your stress level, makes you fixate on things that are not worth your attention, and lose sight of what is important to you. Of course, structuring your thoughts and finding peace is not easy because approaching a problem head-on is not always possible. But we have collected several universal ways that will help you put your mind in order.

10 ways on how to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts

Form your opinion, and do not borrow someone else’s

The reason for the mess in your head can be your habit of borrowing someone else’s opinion. It looks very harmless, but by appropriating other people’s thoughts, views and beliefs, you only induce confusion in your own. You suffer from many contradictions; you cannot come to a single point of view, you constantly doubt your conclusions.

The advice is simple: instead of borrowing someone else’s opinion on any issue, try to form your own. Yes, it is more energy-intensive; you will have to invest your time and effort in searching for additional information, checking facts, comparing your findings with those of scientists and other competent people. You will be able to put things in order in your head if you have formed your view of all those problems that concern you or interest you in one way or another.

Be honest with yourself

When you try to deceive someone or yourself, you have to go against your brain, which knows the whole truth. Contradictions, searching for excuses, trying to convince yourself of something, all this does not go in vain.

After this, a complete mess remains in your head, which will be difficult to get rid of. So try to be as honest with yourself as possible and stop stuffing your mind with bullshit.

Don’t let any one get involved in important decisions

If you do not want your head to have a mess of various tips, try to make all important decisions independently, without involving family and friends in the process.

All the answers you need are in your head. Do not fill it with unnecessary information, which will only lead you astray, making you feel doubts about your decisions.

Slow down

Try to slow down a little: stop fussing, find time for your hobbies and good rest, start analyzing your thoughts and desires, stop acting automatically. This is a very good practice for those confused about themselves and cannot put things in order in their head for a long time.

If you want to think clearly, you need to learn to rebuild your life and your approach to it. You will never be able to do everything that you have in mind, but you can prioritize correctly and do what is more important to you.

Put your thoughts on paper

To put your head in order, sometimes it is enough to transfer your thoughts to paper, putting them on the shelves. You can divide a sheet of paper into several columns and devote each of them to one direction of your thoughts. You can write about what worries you at the moment, about what is important for you to do in the near future, about what steps you need to take to make your dream come true.

When you organize all your thoughts on paper, it will be easier for you to understand the reasons for your negative state and to develop a specific plan of action that will help you make your life better.

Change the environment

Nobody tells you how important it is to travel a lot and often. But you should be able to leave the apartment at least occasionally, changing the environment and spending the day somewhere in a new place.

When you are surrounded by a different atmosphere, different people, different landscapes, the circle of chronic thoughts breaks, anxiety goes away, and new ideas appear that you can bring to life when you come back.

Maintain physical activity

Confused in yourself and your thoughts, the easiest way is to migrate to the sofa, spending most of your free time on it. But this will not help you in any way in getting rid of obsessive thoughts, anxiety, stress, and other factors that prevent you from living normally.

The best thing you can do for yourself is physical activity. Force yourself to go for a walk, exercise in the morning, go to the gym, go swimming. Physical activity will help you clear your brain and get a mental break from everything that weighs on you.

Get enough sleep

This is trivial advice, but many people ignore it. When you realize that a complete mess is going on in your head, one of the best options for action is to give your body a good rest and reboot. And this can be done only by establishing a healthy and full sleep.

Try to follow the regime, create comfortable conditions for yourself to sleep, do not overeat or get drunk before bed. The effect will appear in a few days, and you will feel much calmer, more vigorous, and more productive.

Don’t resist change

Any change is stressful because you can never say exactly how your life will change. But constant resistance to change brings with it only additional anxiety, negative emotions, and worries about what awaits you in the future.

Stop resisting change, look at it more easily and understand that you cannot control everything that happens to you.

Get rid of sources of negativity

Sources of negativity can be toxic family and friends, hated work, flaws in you that piss you off, living conditions that don’t match your needs. Understand that there is no need to continue clinging to these people, these thoughts, or these things.

Throw away your fears, give up your sense of duty and guilt, break toxic ties, and you will finally find harmony with yourself.

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