How to handle girl manipulation

Do you truly love your girlfriend but are tired of her manipulating you? It’s time to solve this problem. There are several ways to convey that she is misbehaving and to cut off her attempts to control your behavior and influence your decisions.

10 ways to handle girl manipulation

1. Be honest and straightforward

Confusing speech is a common trait of manipulators. If your girlfriend is trying to take advantage of your generosity, resist the urge to follow her lead. Simply put, find out what she wants from her. An attractive female gains more power over you the longer she plays with you.

2. Set clear boundaries

When you set boundaries, you let the other person know he’s putting pressure on you, but you won’t stand it. It’s important to do this early on in a relationship, but even if you missed this point, you should still start pointing out things that you find unacceptable.

Have a deep and frank conversation about what you are willing to tolerate and what you are not. In addition, it is necessary to talk about their boundaries and ensure that they are respected, reminding them every time a girl tries to cross them.

3. Learn to say “no”

One of the most powerful words in any language worldwide is “no.” Nevertheless, we often refuse to use it to please others, especially our loved ones.

Manipulators often force us to act in our interests, and our inability to deny them is only to their advantage. When you politely but firmly reject unreasonable requests, they lose their power over you and do not get what they want.

4. Keep calm

People who like manipulating others try to get their interlocutors emotionally to pressure the patient and achieve what they want. Girls often do this with tears, sarcasm, complaints, or arguments. You’re lost if you give in to emotions when they try to manipulate you.

Instead, try to remain calm and sane to understand the situation better and avoid falling for tricks. Try to recognize the manipulation strategies that your girlfriend uses most often and the emotional triggers that help her bring you out of your mental balance.

Perhaps she constantly points out your flaws or past mistakes and makes fun of your decisions and interests. Remember these moments and take a deep breath before responding to her or reacting to how she behaves.

5. Defend yourself

When someone loves you, they take care of your interests. However, manipulators are unfamiliar with this. Learn to protect yourself and fight back against anyone who wants to use you, even if it’s your girlfriend.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your needs and feelings with confidence and a clear conviction that you deserve self-respect. Instead of arguing, try to pay attention not to the girl’s personality but to her actions. For example, you can say: “When you tell me that I don’t love you, and then you demand to do as you want, I lose confidence in you and get disappointed.”

6. Be aware of how she treats others

Toxic people tend to use their partners and everyone in their social circle. Pay attention to how the girl interacts with friends, colleagues, relatives, and strangers. It’s also worth looking at how she communicates with service staff, such as waiters in a restaurant.

If she allows herself to be condescending, disrespectful, or overly demanding, it’s time to think about it. It is important to monitor the girl’s behavior and her words. Does she talk badly about other people, gossip, tell other people’s secrets? Such actions betray her as a manipulator and a person who can do the same to you.

7. Explain to her what she’s wrong about

Sometimes, people don’t realize that they are manipulating others. In this case, a calm explanation of what they are wrong about and what feelings their behavior causes can bear fruit. An honest conversation will help the girl realize her mistakes and not commit them in the future.

Ensure you don’t confront or judge her character when you outline a problem. But if a girl does not take note of your words but begins to defend herself or accuse you of her actions, then try to remain calm and formulate the boundaries she should not cross.

8. Stop cases of pressure on feelings of guilt

Guilt is a pressure point that manipulators don’t hesitate to put pressure on whenever they need something from you. They use your sensitivity to get their way. Imagine this situation: you and the girl started living together and agreed in advance on how you would manage the budget.

But over time, you notice that she spends too much, so you don’t have enough for your needs. After discussing the issue, she gets upset and tries to manipulate your emotions by saying that you don’t love her or that you don’t care about what makes her happy.

Perhaps you feel guilty now because you could have tried to give her more. Now exhale and think: why should you feel guilty even though she doesn’t fulfill the agreement? Don’t let them push you to make the wrong decisions by speculating on emotions. Don’t give in to feelings of guilt and disagree with a girl just because you feel this discomfort.

9. Remember that the problem is with her, not with you

Dealing with toxic relationships is a heavy burden that drains physically and mentally. You may think you’re the problem, but that’s good for a girl. Remember that a loving person does not manipulate but negotiates.

He does not try to blame you for all your sins and does not demand more than you can give. You have the right to defend your boundaries and demand to be treated well. Remember that the problem is with the girl who allows herself to manipulate you, not you.

10. Reconsider your relationship

It’s not easy to give up a relationship, especially if it lasts long. However, there comes a time when you have to choose between your well-being and a girl who allows herself to be manipulated.

You must reconsider your relationship and remain objective to understand whether it is worth staying in. Think about it: Are you happy? If you realize that the relationship is burdening you and, after long conversations about the unacceptability of manipulation, the girl’s behavior does not change, you should think about ending the toxic relationship for the sake of your mental health.

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