How to know yourself and your genuine desires

When thinking about life and life goals, many of us feel that we have lost our individuality, having dissolved into the expectations and demands of others. This process often begins in the earliest years, when we strive to earn the approval of parents, teachers, friends, or even strangers.

Gradually, you can lose touch with your desires and aspirations by submitting to someone else’s worldview and requirements. Do not despair: you can return to the only right path and get closer to understanding yourself. To do this, try to use the tips listed below.

8 ways to know yourself and your genuine desires

1. Remember that you are happy

The first step to understanding your true desires is to return to the moments when you experienced real joy. Think about those situations in the past when you felt inspired, enthusiastic, and happy, even if it was something insignificant at first glance.

Record such moments and analyze them. Try to understand what feelings they evoke and what unites them. It could be a sense of freedom, creativity, or privacy. The more you focus on these happy moments, the more precise the picture of what brings you joy will become.

2. Don’t look for meaning in what you’re going to do

Stop looking for deep meaning in all your actions. You often think your occupation should be important to others; otherwise, it doesn’t matter. But your true desires can be much simpler and do not concern others and their well-being in any way.

If you want to try yourself in a new hobby, it doesn’t necessarily have to make global sense or bring tangible results. Allow yourself to enjoy the process without pressure. Do something just because you like it, and don’t try to justify your actions with rational arguments or the opinions of others. This will allow you to explore your desires without fear of judgment.

3. Learn to discern your desires from extraneous pressures

When planning your actions, think about who you’re doing it for. You can often strive to build a career, acquire material benefits, or even shape your hobbies based on other people’s expectations. Stop for a minute and ask yourself: do I need this? Try to keep a diary in which you will record your thoughts and feelings about various situations and decisions you have made.

This will help you keep track of the moments when you act by inertia or fall under the influence of external factors. By being aware of these moments, you can gradually learn to distinguish your true desires and needs from those imposed.

4. Be aware of your fears and limiting beliefs

Awareness of your fears and limiting beliefs is an important step toward understanding yourself. Perhaps you don’t want to change something in your life because of fear of the unknown or criticism from others. Limiting beliefs can make you think you cannot achieve your goals or your dreams are unattainable.

Freeing yourself from the fear and beliefs that hold you back will allow you to be in harmony with yourself. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M. For full article, By listening to your inner voice and noticing what makes you happy, you can start living how you want and not how society expects you to.

5. Explore your values and landmarks

Start by understanding what is important to you. Values are the principles that determine the direction of your actions and decisions. For one, it may be a desire for honesty; for another, a willingness to be helpful and help others; and for someone, freedom, and independence are essential. Stop and think about what motivates and inspires you. Write down your thoughts to better understand yourself.

6. Acknowledge your needs

Often, trying to please others, you forget about your own needs. Start noticing what you need. This may be a need for rest, emotional support, and self-development. Don’t be afraid to admit that you also have desires and aspirations.

Allow yourself to express these needs: being honest with yourself will help you better understand your true priorities and start following them. Remember that caring for yourself is not selfishness but necessary for a full life. Once you better understand your values and needs, you can step towards living up to them.

7. Stop avoiding awkward questions

You’re often afraid to ask yourself questions that you don’t want to know the answers to. “What do I want?” “Why am I in this situation?” — such questions can reveal the truth you have avoided for a long time. They help you understand how your actions and aspirations correspond to your inner needs.

For example, ask yourself, “What am I doing for myself and not for others?” or “How satisfied am I with my life now?” Getting honest answers can be a painful process that requires courage to admit your fears, desires, and mistakes, but through this awareness, you move toward understanding yourself.

8. Set boundaries in communication with others

Having become used to pleasing others, you often mistake their desires and demands for your own, forgetting that you also have the right to personal space and independence. Setting boundaries is not selfishness but an act of self—preservation. Boundaries help you clearly understand where your opportunities end.

Start small: learn to say “no” when something or someone contradicts your desires. Gradually, this will become a natural part of your life, and you will feel that you no longer need to sacrifice your interests for the sake of others. This will free up time and energy to focus on what is important to you.

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