How to make a phone conversation exciting and memorable

Some girls like to chat on the phone for a long time instead of chatting on social networks. And it happens that it’s the only way to talk to friends. To gain the favor of a woman you like or have fun chatting with a friend, you must learn how to make phone conversations exciting and memorable. There are several ways to achieve this.

7 ways to make a phone conversation exciting and memorable

1. Try to understand the interlocutor’s tone

When people talk in reality, they don’t rely solely on words and tone to understand the other person’s feelings. They recognize his mood through facial expressions, gestures, and reactions. But we are deprived of such luxury when talking on the phone since we only hear the interlocutor’s voice. Always listen to the tone in which he conducts the dialogue. For example, if the voice is trembling and the person speaks softly, it may reflect excitement or sadness.

When the interlocutor talks loudly about something, while the pace of his speech is very fast, he may be talking about what excited, inspired, or pleased him. By capturing such moments, it will be easier for you to understand how to conduct a conversation, which topics to raise, and which to refrain from.

2. Call at a convenient time

The time for a phone call is crucial if you want the conversations to be more interesting. It’s best to call someone in the evening after work. Most people feel calm and relaxed now, which helps them tune in to a positive conversation. Visit A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article, it is also always necessary to consider the other person’s preferences when choosing the time of the conversation.

The best way to figure out when he should call is to ask about it openly and coordinate the conversation in advance. This will help you find time to prepare for the conversation and think over topics if you are too worried or do not know what to say.

3. Learn to be a storyteller

Most girls like men who can tell stories; this skill will be useful when talking to friends. To be a good speaker, you don’t have much life experience or live something glorious every day. Sometimes, the story of your favorite coffee seems much more interesting than the monotonous enumeration of the places you managed to visit. The main feature of all good stories is emotion.

When discussing how your day went, note what feelings you experienced when experiencing this or that event and what significance it had for you. But at the same time, make sure that the story does not turn into bragging and attempts to gain value for yourself — it is unlikely that anyone will like it. It’s important to share, not try to make other people envious or feel like you’re the best.

4. Ask the right questions

To make a conversation enjoyable on the phone and in real life, you must ask the interlocutor the right questions. This helps to avoid awkward pauses, learn more about the person’s opinion and life, and easily switch from one topic to another.

Here are some questions you should ask the person you are talking to on the phone: — What are you doing right now? — What are your plans for the evening? — What will you do after we chat? — How was your working day? “Do you dislike rain as much as I do?” — What dish would you like to eat now? Do not hesitate to ask about the little things and preferences — people answer such questions quickly and willingly.

5. Listen

Many people are afraid of silence or are waiting in the wings to speak, ignoring the other person’s desire to talk about something. However, the ideal way to communicate is not only to talk about something but also to listen. Especially if you’re having a conversation with a girl, let her speak out, ask questions about the topic, and confirm her words by expressing approval, anger, or sympathy. This way, you’ll have a better chance that she’ll want to talk to you repeatedly. The same principle should be followed in conversations with friends if you want your relationship to be trusting and strong.

6. Avoid unpleasant topics for the interlocutor

If the interlocutor suddenly becomes silent, answers in monosyllables, or tries to turn the conversation in another direction, the topic raised is unpleasant to him. Do not ignore such signals to switch the conversation to something else in time, and try not to raise issues that affect another person’s mood so much. You can be frank by clarifying: “Let’s change the subject. What would you like to chat about?” This is often the salvation from failure and shows that you are sincerely interested in communicating comfortably and pleasantly with the interlocutor.

7. Let other people spice up the conversation

Don’t take full responsibility for making the conversation interesting. If you overdo it, you can seem intrusive and create the impression of someone who wants to prove himself and please others with all his might. Remember that communication is a two—way street. Don’t try to be the only one directing the conversation, telling stories, and making jokes. Occasionally, let the other person take some of that control and influence your conversation.

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