Hundreds of protesters take to the streets in Hong Kong again

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong again on Sunday to demonstrate against Carrie Lam’s government. The activists gathered in covered shopping centers and chanted anti-government slogans.

The police usually did not intervene harshly but prevented the groups from getting together in the Kowloon district. In a shopping mall, the police would have fired rubber bullets to drive a group of demonstrators apart, writes The South China Morning Post.

The activists did not abide by the rules in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The police, therefore, asked if they wanted to keep their distance from each other.

Since April 26, demonstrations have been held by people who want Carrie Lam’s pro-Chinese government to step down. Before that, it was mostly silent because of the coronavirus.

In Hong Kong, infections were diagnosed shortly after the outbreak in China. The government immediately imposed strict measures. The number of registered infections in Hong Kong stands at 1,048.

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