Hutu rebels deny murder of Italian ambassador in Congo

The Rwandan Hutu rebels of the FDLR (Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda) deny having anything to do with the murder of the Italian ambassador in Congo. They point an accusing finger at the Congolese and Rwandan army.

Italian ambassador Attanasio, along with Italian military Vittorio Iacovacci and their driver, was killed in an ambush in Virunga National Park on Monday. The three were part of a convoy of the United Nations World Food Program.

The Congolese authorities accuse the FDLR of being behind the attack. In a press release, the FDLR denies any involvement and asks the Congolese authorities and the UN mission in Congo to find those responsible.

“The attack took place not far from the border with Rwanda, where the Congolese army and the Rwandan army have taken positions. Responsibility for the attack must be sought within the ranks of these armies,” it sounds.

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