I trusted my wife 100% but she deceived me secretly

“I trusted her for one hundred percent,” Maxim (38) said, who had a baby with his wife Yana after a successful IVF treatment.

As a brand-new father, he loved the little Timosha very much and that his happiness, however, turned out to be a true nightmare.

The Russian couple wanted to have a baby for some time and therefore went to the Kulakov Medical Center, a clinic in Moscow, for an IVF treatment. After Maxim Anokhin delivered his sp3m sample, he also paid for the entire procedure.

What he did not know was that his wife Yana Anokhina cheated on him for a while. And she wanted to get pregnant from her lover. The Russian decided to deceive her husband and managed to exchange the two sp3m samples in the hospital for two others.

Nine months later, Yana gave birth to a boy named Timosha. Her husband, who did not know anything at all, paid all expenses for the child for a year. But above all: he loved the little one like a father should love his child and made sure he did not lack anything.

It was only when the couple broke up that the deceit came to light. Then everything became clear to Maxim, and he had a DNA test carried out. From this, he turned out not to be the father of ‘his’ Timosha. “I trusted her for 100%,” Maxim said in court. “I was shocked, I really could not believe it.”

The idea to exchange the sp3m came from Yana Anokhina. But that it worked, the hospital was also responsible for this. That is why Maxim Anokhin received €5,000 in damages from the Moscow hospital.

Currently, both ex-partners each have a new relationship. Anokhin wanted his wife and the hospital to come to court “not for the sake of money, but for justice to be done”. By informing the media about this case, he hopes to avoid others being the victim of deception.

Meanwhile, he has a child with his new girlfriend.

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