Imam who attributes coronavirus as “an act of Allah” against China, now has the virus

A prominent Iraqi Shiite scholar, Hadi Al-Modarresi, is diagnosed with the coronavirus weeks after claiming that that the fatal virus was no doubt “an act of Allah” against the people of China for their mistreatment, ridicule and their lack of respect for Muslims and Islam.

The 63-year-old imam, who is one of Iraq’s most prominent Shiite leaders and comes from a long line of active scholars, said in February 2020: “It is evident that the spreading of this disease is an act of Allah. How do we know this? The widespread of the coronavirus started in China, an ancient and large country, whose population represents one-seventh of humanity.”

“More than a billion people live in this country. The authorities in this country are tyrannical and have besieged over a million Muslims and placed them under house arrest,” the Imam stated. He continues that “Journalists in this country began to mock the niqab of Muslim women and been forcing Muslim men to eat pork and drink wine”.

“Allah sent them disease and that disease besieged 40 million [Chinese]. The same niqab they mocked was imposed on them, men and women, by Allah, through the authorities and state officials.”

Hadi Al-Modarresi confirmed that he had been diagnosed with coronavirus in a tweet accompanied by a photo of him wearing a surgical mask. Her nephew, Mohsen Almodaressi, also confirmed the news about her uncle through a post on Facebook.

Mohsen wrote: “My uncle, may Allah protect him, is being treated, and his health is constantly improving.”

Hadi Al-Modarresi can be seen wearing a mouth mask
Hadi Al-Modarresi can be seen wearing a mouth mask

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