Internal and External forces that Influence your success and life path
Each of us has many driving forces, both internal and external. How we use them has a lot to do with how our lives will be and where we’ll end up. Learning more about these forces is worth it to recognize what drives you and use them for good quickly.
9. Internal and external factors affect achievement and life path
1. Fear of rejection
Humans are social creatures, so one of our driving forces may be the fear of rejection. He forces us to build our behavior in the image and likeness of what family members or those around us do. And all because we want to be understood and accepted.
This is a consequence of evolution when even an adult needed a human being to survive. Of course, the fear of rejection can play tricks on us, forcing us to live to please not ourselves but others. That’s why it’s worth keeping him under control and trying to notice when he, rather than the mind, gets the better of you.
2. The need for independence
When we reach a certain age, we no longer need our parents to care for us. We need independence, which leads to a desire to gain experience, go our way in life, and achieve more. People who use independence correctly become independent, confident, and prudent. They don’t prove to the world that they can do what they want — they satisfy their needs and know they can count on themselves.
As a rule, independent people are more likely to succeed than those used to living at the expense of others. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article. Though difficult, their life path is worth the effort and pain they endure. Ultimately, it’s always better to be able to take responsibility and solve problems than to wait for someone to come to the rescue or circumstances to turn out the best for oneself.
3. Money
Some people need money to meet basic needs: food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. They strive to have capital and earn more, but they do not make luxury and material things the only things worth striving for. For others, money is the principal value and priority.
They cannot imagine how to find joy when a minimum of money is left in their wallet and why people can be happy without a penny. The power of finance moves us in different directions, so we shouldn’t underestimate it. Whatever your approach to money, it is impossible to exist without it. That’s why it’s essential to keep track of what importance you attach to them and what financial habits you adhere to.
4. Cultural and Social experience
The segment of society in which we were born and our family largely determine which driving forces will have the most significant impact on us as we grow up and make increasingly independent decisions. Even when we are independent, we remember what we were taught.
Each of our actions is an indicator of character, so we carefully consider our decisions. Some people may not have such a firm conviction about caring for what they were taught in early childhood. But building the life you want is impossible if you don’t use the acquired cultural and social experience.
5. The need for love and companionship
For most people, the need for love and companionship is a “basic setting.” Because of our need for socialization, it is much more universal than the power of money and fame. Everyone has energy and resources to spend on love or hate, communication or confrontation, and resentment. What you choose has much to do with whether you grow as a person or with your life.
6. Ambitions
Ambition helps us learn, develop skills, and make choices. If you were rewarded when you were assertive, you would continue to develop this quality and go through life with a firm step. But if ambition is just a word to you, not a principle or character trait, you’ll likely settle for less than you deserve.
7. Health
Another driving force that depends on individual choice is the desire for health. Some people appreciate it, while others don’t spend much time learning the proper ways to care for themselves. The approach to health depends on the length of your life and how pleasant it will be. It’s impossible to achieve more if you don’t have the strength to get off the couch and start doing something, right?
8. Changes
Some people adapt quickly to changes and see them as a chance to improve their lives, while others perceive any changes as a disaster. Your attitude towards uncertainty has much to do with whether you grow. If you accept uncertainty rather than try to escape it and don’t lose your head during the changes, you are more likely to succeed despite the difficulties.
9. Fun and entertainment
Entertainment says more about us than it seems at first glance. Some people devote their lives to idleness and instant gratification, while others seek ways to find joy without shirking responsibilities and goals. How much time you spend on fun and entertainment and what you choose as a hobby can either help you grow or drag you to the bottom.