Jarvis Kaye bursts into tears after life-long banishment of Fortnite for cheating

Epic Games has banned Youtuber Jarvis Kaye for life on the popular game Fortnite. That happened after the 17-year-old youth showed films on his channel in which he plays the shooting game using software that makes aiming easier. An emotional Kaye apologized to his almost two million followers and the game developer later in tears: “It was the first time.”

Jarvis Kaye, who played Fortnite under the name FaZe Jarvis, sees his world fall apart. He tries to explain to his 1.9 million YouTube followers as well as possible how things could go wrong, but he cannot do that without tears. He cannot imagine a life without Fortnite. More than two million people have already seen his excuse film.


Computer game developer Epic Games has blocked the 17-year-old’s Fortnite account and will also delete it. The company did so after Kaye posted videos that showed that he was using a so-called “aimbot” while playing the shooting game. This software allows the player to shoot automatically and/or in a targeted manner. So that becomes easier.

The game company has a zero-tolerance policy against cheating. And although Kaye states that he only uploaded the videos because he thought it would be “just cool and interesting for his followers to see” and “that he had never done it before”, especially not “during games”, Epic Games remained steadfast.

“Banished forever”

In a tweet, the gamer stated: “I’m going to take accountability for my actions and I understand completely why this has happened, I just wish I had known how severe the consequences were at the time and I would have never thought about doing it.”

The same message is now on YouTube. “Epic Games, you know I know I made a big mistake and I’m so sorry. Epic, I know I have to take responsibility for my actions, and I will do my best to accept every punishment I get. But to be banished forever, that’s just … that’s … that’s … I just didn’t know this would happen.”


According to different media, the length of the sentence divides the Fortnite community, which consists of hundreds of millions of players and Twitch viewers. Kaye fans created the hashtag #FreeJarvis. They point out that other cheaters were given much lighter penalties. His opponents now use the same hashtag, but then to say: “Cheating is cheating.”

Frazier Kaye – nickname FaZe Kay – at least chose the side of his brother. He also posted the excuse video on Twitter and said, “I can’t describe how displeased Jarvis was this week… Please watch this video and share it.”


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