Job application ahead? This way you make flawless impression in 5 steps

Applying is an art, and you better master it if you are looking for a nice new job, with these basic rules which you will soon make a fantastic first impression with your dream employer.
1. Business card
In most cases – if you do not frequent networking events or the like – everything starts digitally: you send your CV and motivation letter. Keep in mind that this is your calling card, based on which the recruiter will decide whether to invite you or not.
So invest enough time in a relevant, clear, and current CV and a persuasive, personal, no-nonsense motivation letter. Copy-pasting is, therefore, not allowed. Provide a customized CV and motivation letter for each vacancy that responds to the specific profile requirements of the job.
Also: more and more recruiters report that job seekers often don’t even bother to write a letter and only send a resume. Do that anyway. You really don’t have to pen two A4’s – in two short paragraphs, you already tell a lot.
2. Meticulously prepared
If you are often invited to conversations, you know that you are doing well with point 1, and a job offer is usually no longer far off. Really never an invitation?! Then there are problems with your CV/letter, or you apply for positions that do not match your profile. In that case, it is best to contact a career counselor.

Once invited for an interview, the really hard work begins: everything stands and falls with good preparation. You can go far here. Formulate answers to classic questions such as ‘tell something about yourself’ or ‘why are you interested in this job’, but also consider what you want to ask the interviewer yourself.
In addition, delve into the company itself, google your conversation partner, and check current events to be able to pick up during the introductory small talk. And don’t forget: find the route, charge your mobile phone, print your CV… Make sure there is nothing that can get in the way of a beautiful entrance.
3. Tight in the suit
Then it comes down to choosing the right clothes because with this you tell a lot more about yourself than you think. Choose an outfit that suits the corporate culture. So for a hip start-up, don’t take your three-piece suit out of the closet, just as you shouldn’t show up in red pants for an application at an insurance company.

In any case, make sure you look formal and well-groomed and pay attention to the details: choose matching, elegant shoes, a well-groomed hairstyle, keep accessories and make-up sober and natural and don’t be too lavish with perfume.
4. Bragging rights prohibited
Have you managed to make a flawless impression so far? Unfortunately, you are not there yet, because you can assume that you are not the only one who has survived here. It is, therefore, important to be able to distinguish yourself from the rest and to convince the recruiter why you are the ultimate candidate.
Please do not do this by bragging about your diplomas or qualities, but rather by telling some examples who you are and how you can use your expertise to help your employer move forward. Feel free to be creative in your explanation and a little humor always works, but always remain professional.
5. LinkedIn & co
Last but not least is the impact of the internet and social media. Also, what can be found about you online contributes to the first impression that a recruiter will form about you. Suppose an HR officer selects ten candidates to interview, then you can be reasonably sure that all ten are googled.
Even though they have no strict affairs with what is on your Facebook profile, if it is all public there, what you see will certainly be charged. If you work in an office environment or in the communication or creative sector, a well-maintained LinkedIn profile can certainly not hurt.