Justin Bieber exchanges stadiums for smaller halls after disappointing ticket sales

Justin Bieber (26) has exchanged a number of large stadiums that he wanted to visit during his American tour ‘Changes’ for smaller concert halls. A disappointing ticket sale is the reason for this decision, Billboard reports.
Concerts in large stadiums in Cleveland, Detroit, Arlington, Columbus, and Nashville were canceled and moved to other music halls. That’s what the halls announced on Twitter. As a reason, they give unforeseen circumstances.
According to TMZ, the concert organizer has decided to skip several stadiums to prevent the artist from performing in front of half-filled stands. There are just enough big and famous stadiums left for Justin, including some in California.

Bieber announced his comeback just before Christmas. His single ‘Yummy’ was released on January 3, from May the singer will perform in the United States and Canada. Tour dates in Europe have not yet been announced.