Kabila “without regret or remorse” ready for transfer of power

Joseph Kabila, outgoing president of Congo, is ready for Thursday’s power transfer, “without regret or remorse,” he said yesterday evening. He called on the Congolese to join his successor Felix Tshisekedi.

“We must form a coalition of all progressive forces against the predatory troops that prey on our natural resources”, he said on the state channel RTNC. It was Kabila’s first speech since the 30 December elections.

Tshisekedi is part of the opposition, but must share power with parliament, where a majority is behind Kabila. “This is not a call to merge, but it does require political leaders to look in the same direction, to join efforts and work together,” Kabila said.
He also called on Tshisekedi to strengthen Congo’s leadership in Africa, as in the commodities sector.

“Electoral coup”

His successor normally takes the oath on Thursday. It is the first peaceful transfer of power since 1960, the country proclaimed its independence from Belgium. But the other opposition candidate Martin Fayulu accuses Kabila of an electoral coup, with complicity of Tshisekedi.

According to Fayulu, he obtained a majority of the votes.

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