He kills man suspected of wooing his wife, throws him inside well

Suspecting his wife of deviation, the goldsmith Amadou opted for radicalism by simply murdered his wife’s lover, assisted by a friend.

He waited for the young shepherd to come back from a trip, to take him partly into the forest. Having beaten him to death, they threw his body into a well.

The drama took place on the night of February 17 to Sunday, February 18 at the village of Konaye, in the commune of Komoti, Goudiry department, Senegal.

The gold-digger, Amadou, 25 years old, who works in the gold zone of Mamakhono in Kedougou, had left his wife Bineta, in the village. But during his absence, Mamadou Saliou, a shepherd alleged to have courted her.

Informed on his return of said guilty relations, Amadou on Saturday went overnight in the forest of the village, to wait for his wife’s lover. Indeed Mamadou Saliou who visited a friend in another village, returning quietly, not suspecting anything.

He was ambushed by the goldsmith together with his friend Souleymane Saliou, with several shots of a shotgun.

Mamadou Saliou managed to escape, before falling to the ground. Determined to wash his affront, Amadou pursued him, beating him until he died. The mission accomplished, Amadou and Souleymane throw the dead body of the shepherd at the bottom of a well.

The next day Sunday, the parents of the victim who noticed the absence of Mamadou Saliou undertook researches to the forest to find him.

Along the way, they were intrigued by the traces of blood, which they followed to the edge of the well at the bottom of which they saw a body without life.

Horrified, they run to inform the men of Benoit Diouf, the commander of the Brigade, whose elements in the company of the soldiers of the fire, were transported to the scene of the macabre discovery.

The firefighters have struggled a lot to fish the body of Mamadou Saliou. After the investigation, Amadou, Souleymane and the owner of the Samba Djiby weapon were arrested.

The owner of the gun states that Amadou had borrowed his weapon for a hunting party.

They case was adjourned on Tuesday, February 27.

The Observer
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