Madagascar: parliamentarians discuss new electoral laws

In Madagascar, the new electoral laws are debated from February 28 by parliamentarians in the National Assembly and the Senate.

As claimed by civil society and political parties for months, these bills are crucial because they will define the framework for the next elections of legislative and presidential.

These new laws debated by parliamentarians from February 28 specify the terms of the election of the future president of Madagascar.

For example, the interval between-two-turns is shortened. This implies a delay of delivery of the results of the first round being shorter.

This could be a real challenge given some hard-to-access areas on the Big Island and large resources should be mobilized.

The National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) has a period of seven days to release the provisional results after the sending of the last closed envelope by the sections responsible for the material census of the votes.

Another novelty: a commission of control of the financings of the political life is set up.

Moreover, to avoid the flow of independent candidates, the law imposes new conditions for the supreme magistracy.

An application must now be sponsored by a list of 150 elected members of the Senate or National Assembly, regional councils or communal councils, mayors, regional or provincial heads.

An elected representative can only sponsor one candidate at a time.

These electoral laws are eagerly awaited, partly because civil society is afraid of a new political crisis in case of non-compliance with the Constitution.

The Malagasy deputies and senators have fifteen days to examine the bills.

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