Mamoudou Gassama threaten with deportation?

The information from various sites claiming that Mamoudou Gassama, the young Malian who saved a child falling from a Parisian balcony at the end of May, is facing deportation.
This is actually a hoax signed by a satirical English-language site. He mocks the conspiracy theories that circulated after Mamoudou Gassama’s bravery.
Mamoudou Gassama, the unknown become a national celebrity after saving a child falling from a balcony in Paris, May 26, risk expulsion? This is what the website “Hits2babi” says in an article on July 16 entitled “Mamoudou Gassama loses French nationality and risks deportation: fake or real”.
The 22-year-old Malian, who has been widely publicized since the video of his exploit became viral, would been stripped of French nationality soon after Emmanuel Macron, according to the publication in grammatically dubious sentences.
“According to a 4-page report delivered Wednesday to French President Emmanuel Macron, the boy’s father and a friend whose name was given as Jean-Pierre staged the act of monetizing the video on YouTube. […] The report advised President Emmanuel Macron to revoke the citizenship of Gassama, which he did accordingly. Macron says that Gassama evicted while accomplices were being prosecuted,” according to the article.
This is actually a hoax taken from another site, specializing in the creation of parodic content.
“Hits2babi” indeed takes over word for word an article from the English-language site “News at 7pm”, which published this story in both English and French (“The Malian Spiderman loses French nationality and risks deportation”).
This probably explains the strange grammatical constructions of certain sentences or the use of the term “deportation”, a bad translation of the English term “deportation”, which means “expulsion”.
But “News at 7pm” is openly a parody: “This is a satirical site […] Everything on this site is fictional.”
The article is a pure invention that makes a mockery of the conspiracy theories circulating on the web after the exploit of the young man who has since joined the firefighters of Paris.
Some wondered about the alleged passivity of the visible neighbor on the video which has since been explained on the scene.