Man arrested for theft and fraud after having ‘borrowed’ library books

In the Spanish city of Valencia, a 53-year-old man was arrested for fraud and theft. He had lent a total of 222 books to the local library without returning them. He is now waiting for his trial.
In the local library where the facts took place, the lenders could hand in their books by scanning the barcodes and then depositing them. The man in question, however, had found a loophole in the system. He copied the barcodes, scanned them back and then left the library without leaving anything behind.
This worked well for a while, until the library staff noticed that a lot of books disappeared. Together with the police they decided to investigate the case and soon the last lender of all missing epistles turned out to be the same.
After having sensed him firmly, the man confessed his crime. He also appeared to have aimed at expensive copies. The 222 books he had stolen from him were worth about 10,000 euros in total.
The man was released on conditions until his trial begins.