Man avoids Covid-19 fine by sleeping in a coffin for a minute

People caught without a mask in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, can lie in a coffin for about a minute as punishment.

Authorities in East Jakarta came up with an unusual measure because they want to force people to think carefully about the consequences of their actions.

“This is what will happen if you get infected with COVID-19,” an offender was told while sitting in the open coffin.

Indonesian man lying in the open coffin
©AP – Indonesian man lying in the open coffin

Images of that incident went viral on the internet. Offenders are not obliged to lie down in the coffin, but they can avoid a fine or community service.

It is not the first time that the authorities in Jakarta use coffins to encourage people to comply with the coronary rules.

Earlier, they also placed coffins in the city that had a sign with the latest corona figures. More than 180,000 infections and 7,600 deaths have been recorded in the country.

They also placed coffins in the city
They also placed coffins in the city

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