Man explains his greatest mistake: “Watch my girlfriend commit abortion”

A Facebook user has explained his greatest mistake in his past life. The user revealed that he was watching his “girlfriend commit abortion”.

On a Facebook group, a group member asked a question: “mention one mistake you have make in life u wish not to make it again. Someone else may learn from you”.

While other members were sharing their previous mistakes in their past lives, a young man made a shocking revelation. He said: “One of my greatest mistakes was sitting in the abortion room to watch my girlfriend commit an abortion.”

Man explains his greatest mistake: “watch my girlfriend commit abortion”

He continues: “I love dating married women, so my girlfriend, who is married, accidentally fell pregnant for me.”

“She didn’t want her husband to know. Long story short, I eventually agreed for her to abort the thing, so I drove her there and decide to watch. Biggest mistake of my life,” he sounds.

“We are still dating till today while she is still married,” the young man concluded.

Man explains his greatest mistake: “watch my girlfriend commit abortion”

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