Mani Bella to skin lightening companies: “These products defile Black Africa!”

Mani Bella has set herself up as a major campaigner to combat the phenomenon of skin bleaching that is plaguing much of sub-Saharan Africa. The Cameroonian star began an awareness campaign by appearing a few weeks ago with her complexion of ebony.

In her noble cause, the young woman who spent about 500 thousand francs each month to depigment herself appealed to specialists in the field.

On June 18, 2019, Mani Bella addressed a special and rough way to companies specialized in depigmentation.

Below the entire publication on Instagram:

Mani Bella to skin lightening companies: "These products defile Black Africa!"


Hello brothers and sisters.

I come through these writings to show you my complete respect. Through your lightening products manufacturing activities, you create jobs and participate in the development of our continent’s economy.

That’s very commendable! Congratulations again… however, I would like to ask you about the social aspect and the harmful consequences that some of your products have on those who use them: cancer, infertility, irritable burning of the skin, weight loss, skin fragility, complications in case of operation, excessive weight gain due to corticosteroids, etc…

Chemical Brothers and sisters, It’s time to enhance the color black. Make it strong, beautiful, supple and shiny. Put on compositions based on organic products that will consist of making our skins: Ebony, luminous, close, moisturize.

Far be it from me to fight you or to waste money on your structures. Noooo… I’m just a woman who’s been in this bleaching spiral for a long time. A woman who has denied her African origins, her skin color because of the influence of your commercials and your standards and standards of beauty. Today, I don’t know by what miracle, I realized that these products hurt melanin. These products defile Black Africa! These products are a disgrace to an entire community.

Then I beg you,

Before thinking about the money that my campaign against the voluntary depigmentation of the skin is costing you, think about the psychological and physical suffering that you are giving to all those who decapitate their skin… Earning money nobly is better and honest.

Making money by making others sick and destroying their melanin I say no. We now want holy, non-decapitating products! Enhance the Black color!

Thank… Heartily.


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