Mary Daniel, from bottled water seller to social media star

Wearing a t-shirt written “No pain No gain” and right leg amputated, the young bottled water seller, Mary Daniel (27), in the streets of Lagos, become a celebrity on social networks due to her bravery. The young Nigerian lady never loses hope, despite her present predicament. Her gesture and spirit of hustling have earned her many personalities in Nigeria.

Her life has therefore changed most beautifully in recent days. Mary Daniel has just revealed that she is about to open a supermarket with donations she had received from inside and outside Nigeria.

Mary Daniel in the street of Lagos
Mary Daniel in the street of Lagos

As in a fairy tale, Mary Daniel goes from a bottled water seller, in the streets of Lagos, to a lovely millionaire, thanks to the goodwill, who were seduced by her courage. With her right leg amputated, the young lady preferred to fight under the hot sun of the bubbling city of Lagos in order to earn a decent living than to begging or other practices that do not honor women.

Through photos published on the internet, she appears in the middle of her activities, with her crutch and T-shirt written “No pain No gain”, which has completely changed her life.

“I feel happy today,” welcomed Mary on her 27th birthday. “I didn’t celebrate my birthday last year. I thank God for what he has done in my life. I never thought I would celebrate my birthday in such a beautiful way,” she says, while her face lit up on a beautiful photo.

“People who know me before have called me and made kind remarks about me. They said I had changed for good, and they could barely recognize me,” she added.

Mary Daniel celebrating her birthday
Mary Daniel celebrating her birthday

Speaking about her plan to start a supermarket, the single mother said, “I want to open a supermarket where I will sell cartons of noodles, bottled water, drinks, food, and other items. I plan to employ two of my cousins. One is based in Awka (Anambra), while the other is based in Asaba (Delta). They will move to Lagos and join me in running the supermarket. As soon as I have my apartment, I will bring my daughter to Lagos. I hope my story inspires people in a similar condition always to try to fight for a living”.

Mary Daniel also revealed that a non-governmental organization had decided to cover the cost of the prosthesis. “The people who are going to do the artificial leg came on Monday to take the measurement of my leg. They said it would be ready in a month,” she said, visibly happy that her life was changing.

Mary Daniel

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