Massive Russian convoy makes no progress: “Soldiers loot supermarkets in search of food”

The huge Russian military convoy headed for Kyiv has made no progress for about 24 to 36 hours. So says John Kirby, spokesman for the US Department of Defense.

The Russian advance is being slowed, not only because of significant Ukrainian resistance, but also presumably because of logistical and supply problems. According to local officials, Russian soldiers are looting supermarkets in search of food.

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The large convoy has come to a stop about 29 kilometers north of Kyiv. According to the British public broadcaster ‘BBC’, Ukrainian government representatives in the region have said that Russian soldiers are looting supermarkets in search of food because the meals offered by the Russian army are no longer good. The senior US defence official said that some Russian units are “literally out of fuel” and “have trouble feeding their troops”.

The United States has noted that Russian forces are “meeting more resistance than they thought, and have encountered fuel and logistical challenges,” the official said.

According to Kirby, the troops may regroup and evaluate how to make up for the lost time. Kirby also stated that it is still the ambition of Russian President Vladimir Putin to take power in Kyiv and overthrow the Ukrainian government. “We believe the Russians will learn from these missteps.” To get the latest stories, install our app here.

Massive Russian convoy makes no progress

He also stressed that Kyiv is not the only city under attack. There is heavy fighting in eastern Kharkiv and southern cities such as Mariupol and Kherson. The latter city has since been conquered by the Russians, the mayor of the city said.

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