McDonald’s fan: “Did you know this function of chip trays already?”

Lovers of course all know the cardboard chips of fast food chain McDonald’s. But do they also realize what you can do with the flap at the top? On Twitter, a fan shows that you can fold it so that you can put ketchup or any other sauce on it.
Some praised the Tweet @todayyearsold for his inventiveness, others found it a lot more logical to simply fold the flap to the inside, so that a kind of lid is created. Handy against spills in the car, for example. The higher back always avoids the fries falling out of the reclining tray.
Criticasters, moreover, seemed rather argued that you make a sign when you bend something hard. They also saw a certain danger in the creation of a possible ketchup, in case the fold would not be tight enough. That’s where it goes to your beautiful white shirt.