“Men are afraid to date us,” Ghanaian nurses lament

Some of the pretty and charming Ghanaian nurses lament the fact that men no longer date them or approach them for a serious relationship.

These nurses, who are probably bored for not finding a life partner, told Fnnewsroom that they were ready for the wedding, but no one approached them for a serious relationship or marriage proposal.

“Men are afraid to date us,” Ghanaian nurses lament
©Yen – Ghanaian nurses during induction

According to them, Ghanaian men are afraid to approach them for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. They added that their families were now pressuring them to get married, which has become a Chinese puzzle for them.

“We are getting older by the day and no man approaches us for a relationship or marriage proposal. We are worried. What is the problem with us so that men refuse to ask our hand in marriage.”

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