More than 50,000 people infected with coronavirus in Iran

In the last 24 hours, 3,111 new corona infections in Iran have been recorded, bringing the total number of confirmed infections to 50,468. This is how the Iranian health authorities report at their daily press conference. According to President Hassan Rohani, the epidemic in the country could continue for months.

In a day, another 124 people died as a result of the coronavirus, bringing the official death toll to 3,160. Nevertheless, 16,711 patients have already been cured.

“I want to make it clear once again that we cannot say when the crisis will definitely be over. It could take months, even until the end of the year,” said President Rohani. The Persian year runs until March 2021. The president further called on the country to remain vigilant and said that there might be new measures.

Iran is among the countries most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Several top government officials and other public figures were also infected.


Schools and universities had to close at the end of February. Later, four major Shia pilgrimage sites and the parliament were also closed.

On March 25, the government also decided to ban all movements between cities. Residents were asked to stay at home as much as possible and to avoid social contact. The measure is valid until April 8. On Sunday it would be decided whether to extend it.

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