My fiancé used my money and car to flirt with other women

My name is Saly and I’m 32 years old. After living and working for several years in Europe, I returned to settle in my home country where my family lives. I am African and when I arrived, my parents told me that at my age I should already be married. Every day, I felt the family pressure and I confess that I was a little ashamed when I saw my cousins or my little sisters already married.

At first, it did not bother me because I always put my work at the forefront of my life. I did not want to depend on a man. So I worked to have everything I own.

One day, my father introduced me to his friend’s nephew and he said, “He’s your husband…” I did not say anything because my dad did everything for me, he paid my education fees. I met my fiancé 3 months before our engagement.

I found it charming and it was to my care. We had a good feeling at first. I was seduced by his kindness.

My fiancé used my money and car to flirt with other women

A friend told me that she saw my fiance in my car with another girl.

So I conducted my investigation and found that in fact, my future husband was a real womanizer. He had a girlfriend in every neighborhood of the city.

Indeed, he made these girls believe that he was very rich. He had asked me for money several times to do business. I was thinking of helping him but he was taking my money to care for other women.

My parents were very happy to celebrate my wedding. I explained to my mother that my fiancé was a very unfaithful man. She told me that all the men were the same and that even my father had girlfriends but that she closed her eyes on her infidelities.

I refuse to live like that and I decided to stop everything.

What do you recommend, that I should do?

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