New book paints shocking picture of Meghan Markle: Her marriage will be over in five years

Not a day goes by without Prince Harry (35) and Meghan Markle (38) are somehow in the news. This time they don’t attract attention themselves, but a new book about the famous couple has been published. It was written by the 70-year-old Lady Colin Campbell, who previously wrote a biography about Harry’s mother, Diana.

The British writer, who was born in Jamaica, is a real phenomenon in Britain. Not only did she write a bestseller on Princess Diana in 1992, but in 2015 – at the age of 65 – she also participated in the TV program ‘I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here’.

On Thursday, Lady Colin Campbell will publish a new book about Diana’s son Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle. The excerpts already leaked out, and the interviews with the author do not paint a very pretty picture of the couple, who decided to leave the British royal family earlier this year.

Bored Meghan

For example, Lady Campbell claims that Meghan and the royal family went wrong a few days after their marriage. ‘I know how much hope the royal family had that Meghan would be a success. I supported her. And because I’m Jamaican, I was also emotionally involved. Just about everyone I know – including my royal friends and the aristocrats – wanted Meghan to be a success. But it soon became clear that things wouldn’t go as smoothly and positively as everyone had hoped.”

To this realization, they came to a party for Prince Charles’ 70th birthday, a few days after Meghan’s marriage. After her picture was taken, Meghan reportedly asked if she could leave because she was bored. “We were all in shock,” said Lady Campbell. “It was a clear warning that Meghan wasn’t going to adjust as well as we’d all hoped.”

“Not the most intelligent”

Lady Campbell doesn’t have many beautiful words left for Meghan. “She’s as fit for royal life as Angelina Jolie is for competitive boxing,” she cuts. “She’s blown herself up above her natural level. Because she’s always wanted to be a star, she tends to exaggerate. Her whole life is an act.” But Harry doesn’t escape the dance either.

However, Lady Campbell calls Diana’s youngest son “not the most intelligent”, a “prop” and “pathetic”. “Harry should have been smarter. That nonsense that she knew almost nothing about him at first… Please! Please! She had visited him..”

According to the writer, it was, therefore, Meghan who decided to leave the royal house. “I think everything she does – leaving the royal family behind and moving back to California – is part of her plan. And she takes Harry with her. And that plan is quite ambitious if we can believe Lady Campbell. “I know that the Duchess of Sussex has political aspirations,” she says. “I have been told that one day she wants to become president.”


Though in all likelihood without Harry as a first man, the writer thinks. “I don’t want to speculate, but there are people who say that the marriage will probably be over in a couple of years. Harry is a pretty nice guy who just needs to grow up a bit. He has fallen short of his responsibilities to his country and to himself. Even with her, I’d say. I think he’s been very cowardly in his dealings with Meghan from the start.”

“He should have just told her that things are done in a certain way within the royal family and that you have to behave if you want to become a member of the royal family. He didn’t do that. He just let her do what she felt like doing, and in the long run, that will be counterproductive for them.” Lady Campbell can even put a term on it: “I hear they’re splitting up in five years.”

Mirror, Telegraaf
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