Nigeria: Release of 15 high school students kidnapped in July

The total number of kidnapped students was 121, according to Kaduna Baptist Conference president Reverend Ishaya Jangado, who is also the owner of the high school. 15 students have been released so far.

Fifteen students from a Baptist high school in the locality of Chikun, which had been kidnapped in July, were released by their captors, said high school parent representative Joseph Yayab.

“Fifteen students were released last night after the payment of a ransom,” he said. However, give details of the amount of the ransom. “We still have 65 of our students in the hands of bandits, and we are working for their release,” he also said.

The total number of kidnapped students was 121, according to Kaduna Baptist Conference president Reverend Ishaya Jangado, who is also the owner of the high school.

The kidnappers (commonly referred to as “bandits” by the authorities) released 28 students on July 25, after paying a ransom of $50 million.

In July, gunmen who kidnapped more than 100 high school students from a boarding school in Nigeria’s Kaduna state released 15 more students after receiving the ransom, a family representative said.

Local authorities are opposed to the payment of ransoms and threaten those who pay with jail.

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