Places of power: ancient underground shelter in Cappadocia

Derinkuyu belongs to the region of Cappadocia. The meaning of the city’s name explains its translation – “deep well” because it is located under the ground as much as 13 floors down! Currently, only the first 4 are open for viewing.

The city itself is hollowed out in the tuff formation that appeared from frequent volcanic eruptions. And scientists have proved that Iranian people originally lived under the ground, and only later did the place takes the fancy of the first Byzantine Christians.

The catacombs and corridors are so difficult to understand that no enemy would have survived in such a gruesome place. The city had not only the private homes of its inhabitants but also stables, markets, baths, churches, and schools.

The holes of the wells were ventilations, there are more than 50 of them, and you can look into the mighty well – you won’t see the bottom, or the sound of a thrown stone, as such wells go straight to the very bottom floors. The population of the city was about 100 thousand people, adults since childhood, taught their children to move through the amazing nooks of the native chambers.

Derinkuyu belongs to the region of Cappadocia
Derinkuyu belongs to the region of Cappadocia

What is the mystery of this place? Historians are certain that the creation of Derinkuyu was the work of the Phrygians, the same ones who took part in the battle for Troy on the Greek side. But there is an opposition side, according to which the founders of such a complex settlement were the Hittites, mentioned in the biblical Old Testament.

But their life took place at a time when Homer and the “Iliad” were in the distant projection of the future. However, representatives of paleo-contacts research put forward an absolutely incredible suggestion: the existence of an underground tuff city is connected with the orig ins of the tradition of the ancient Persians – the Zoroastrians.


They start from the scriptures of the sacred book “Vendidad”, which tells of a fierce winter and a savior – the prophet Yima. The Great Absolute ordered him to save the first inhabitants of the planet from the Ice Age by sheltering them in underground dwellings. If you believe in the scientific studies of climate change, the last such period occurred between 18 and 10 millennia BC.

In this scripture, God’s name is mentioned indirectly as Ahura Mazda, but how did he make such a statement about the long coming winter by coming down from heaven in a chariot? Let us consider other examples. The same Vedic texts describe in detail the Vimana flying apparatus by which extraterrestrial races could travel through the universe. There is also the golden Chariot of the Sun God, Surya, with the help of which he descended from heaven. In that case, who is Ahura – God or an alien?

Derinkuyu is a miracle of engineering
Derinkuyu is a miracle of engineering

Derinkuyu is a miracle of engineering, and to create such a colossal object, scientifically speaking, it is necessary to personally train the builder and show on the fingers the necessary schemes. So Ahura also came down to Earth to impart such knowledge on a flying machine.

Let’s study the wonders of architecture in detail: all doors, used for protection, were a huge stone circle with a hole in the middle for a special device and weighed 500 tons, the thickness of the doors was up to 40 centimeters – it follows that no ancient man could hollow out of solid stone such a machismo by himself.

all doors, used for protection, were a huge stone circle with a hole in the middle for a special device and weighed 500 tons
All doors, used for protection, were a huge stone circle with a hole in the middle for a special device and weighed 500 tons

But from whom did people in the 18th millennium BC have to hide? Let’s go back to the pages of sacred scripture: based on mythological accounts, Ahura waged a long struggle with the “demon” Angra, who sought to kill the earthlings. Accordingly, the God Mazda, in order to save the helpless, helped to create for them a city underground that saved them from the constant bombardment inflicted by the enemy.

And since the “demon” traveled in high-speed flying chariots, he could not see the ventilation wells that had been dug. This is how the inhabitants were saved not only from the cold but also from total extermination.

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