Prayers for Deliverance

You are my haven; you will keep me secure and surround me with calming music… (7:32 Psalm) When it comes to deliverance, there is no guarantee of quick pleasure. We can’t choose it from a menu or click on it, and it doesn’t always seem the same on my computer as it does on yours.
The act of delivering someone or something: the circumstance of being delivered; especially: liberty, rescue, according to the dictionary definition. We often consider countries that need to be vindicated, individuals who are starving as a result of hunger, or people who need to be saved from sicknesses or injustices. We should also pray and act with zeal to assist those who are oppressed.
However, another portion of the word spoke to me regarding erroneous thinking, guilt, and restrictions that God has been speaking into my life. “It defines “anything provided; especially: a public proclamation of an opinion or conclusion (such as a jury judgment)” as “something given.” What if our perspective of ourselves is often the one thing we need to let go of? The rigors of modern life may test our Christian identity, and a previous decision may come back to haunt us—even if it happened so long ago that we are the only ones who can replay it. When we face an unjust conclusion, a destroyed reputation, or a failed endeavor, whose point of view do we take?
Our Deliverer is Jesus (1 John 4:4). His sacrifice is the source of our salvation (John 10: 9-11). He died so that we would no longer be victims of guilt, false beliefs, or dysfunctional boundaries, nor would we be bound by them. Let us pray today for Jesus, our Healer, to cure us of whatever we are suffering from, whether physically, psychologically, or spiritually.
A Superb Deliverance Prayer
Father, We worship You as we begin our prayer because You claim we are fearfully and wonderfully fashioned (Psalm 139:14). This is a difficult world. It threatens to crush us in a variety of ways. Physically, we cannot always outrun the ills of our bodies. We are tormented by sickness and damage, and our health does not always recover. On a daily basis, we are inundated and enticed by unfiltered notions that threaten to damage our self-esteem. You offer us a spiritual war in this life. According to John 10:10-11, the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it abundantly. Bring our hearts to focus on Your Truth first thing in the morning, anticipating a fight but also deliverance.
During difficult times, remind us of Psalm 32:7, You are my hiding place; you will protect me from hardship and surround me with songs of rescue. Remind us to remember the greats of faith who have gone before us, confidently and courageously trusting on Your rescue hand. Even while on the run from King Saul, David defeated Goliath against all odds and called out to You in faith to save him. Even after he committed awful errors, you loved David and delivered him. You never abandoned Paul, who tormented and killed other Christians, even in his own jail cell. We don’t realize how much You love us, flaws and all, despite our anxieties. Help us to trust and believe in Your love, since the one who lives inside us is bigger than the one who lives outside us. (Theophilus I 4:4)
Galatians 5:1 urges us to act and to be solid in our beliefs. Christ has set us free with the intention of setting us free. So preserve your calm and refuse to be yoked to a yoke of servitude again. Assist us in moving away from shame and toward compassion, in advocating for those who are unable to speak for themselves, and in ensuring that individuals burdened by incorrect conceptions of who they are not forgotten. Allow our personal deliverance lessons to prepare us to be Your love ambassadors. You promise to find us if we seek You with all our hearts. Jeremiah 29:13 is a prophecy from the prophet Jeremiah.
Father, we thank You for hearing us and caring for us in ways we can’t fathom. When the righteous cry out, the Lord listens and relieves them from all their troubles. (Psalm 34:17) We pray for deliverance in our own lives, as well as in the lives of others who are suffering in our community and throughout the world. We pray to You in the hope that You would relieve us of our bodily and emotional anguish. In their anguish, they cried out to the Lord, and he rescued them.. Psalm 107:6
Assist us in letting go of our plans and embracing Your way and perfect timing. We live in a society where we need stuff now, yet the ease of free shipping and next-day delivery pales in contrast to Your methods. Give us the confidence and patience to accept Your plan and purpose for our life, as Isaiah 43:18-19 says, Forget the old things; do not linger on the past. As you can see, I’m trying out something new! Isn’t it clear now that it’s shown up? I’m burning a path through the desert, looking for streams in the dry.
Give us the grace to pray for and sympathize with those who label us, but also to recall the reality of what You say about us and our identity. May we never forget first to love people (1 Peter 4:8) and have the inner courage to detect falsehoods in Your Truth. Bullying and teasing are not limited to children. When we respond to and react to the attacks of others, open our ears to Your message of kindness, love, and compassion. Heal our shattered boundaries and distorted perspectives. Assist us in protecting our hearts from guilt and distinguishing our shortcomings and errors from our bigger life purpose.
Give us the strength to be as bold and fearless as Jesus was on earth while being compassionate and caring. As we seek Your will above our own arguments and defense mechanisms, make the impossible feasible in our lives. Please assist us in remembering this great reality by asking, Is anybody among you in trouble? Allow them to pray…. James 5:13
Father, save us from the daily assaults on our minds, bodies, relationships, and more. Protect and rescue us from all that attempts to divert us from Your plan for our lives, from what we can see but never anticipate. Give us the courage to love people who seem unlovable without jeopardizing our Christian faith.
Create in us an unbreakable feeling of self-assurance while keeping our hearts free of pride. Save us from our warped thinking, disease, debt, grief, difficulties, hunger, suffering, fear, oppression, conflict, and denial as we pray today to announce Your Peace over our lives. Increase your trust in the Lord and his powerful might… (Ephesians: 10) Please help us, Father, to put on Your armor on a daily basis. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Prayer for deliverance
If we pray such a prayer daily, God’s Spirit will do something wonderful in our lives.
O Jesus, You are meek and humble.
- Help me and deliver me, Jesus
- From the fear of being humiliated
- From the fear of being suspected
- From the fear of being rebuked
- From the fear of being laughed at
- From the fear of being forgotten
- From the fear of being treated unjustly becoming
- From the desire to be loved
- From the desire to be glorified
- From the desire to be honored
- From the desire to be praised
- From the desire to be chosen
- From the desire to be consulted
- From the desire to be approved
- And Jesus, grant me the grace to desire
- That other will not be valued more than me
- That other will be more respected in the world than I
- That other will be chosen and I set aside
- That at all times one prefers against me
- That other may become holier than I if only I become as holy as necessary