Prince William named the world’s sexiest bald man

The British Prince William (38) is not yet king, but he does rule when it comes to the election as the sexiest bald man in the world. A survey by British cosmetic surgery company Longevita found that Queen Elizabeth’s grandson was most often described as ‘sexy’ online.

On blog posts and web pages about and in searches for bald men, William was referred to as ‘sexy, hot or attractive’ a whopping 17.6 million times, according to tabloid The Sun.

He leaves the number two on the list, boxer Mike Tyson, with 8.8 million entries well behind. Actor Jason Statham completes the top three with 7.4 million results.

The top ten also include rapper Pitbull, former basketball player Michael Jordan, boxer Floyd Mayweather and actors John Travolta, Bruce Willis, Dwayne Johnson, and Vin Diesel.

A special mention was made to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had just missed the top 10 with 2.2 million hits. Star Trek icon Patrick Stewart also fell just outside the boat with 1.1 million’ votes’.

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