Queen invites everyone to Buckingham Palace (but you have to pay)

Queen Elizabeth uses the Christmas holidays to earn some extra money. The Queen stays at the Sandringham estate near Norfolk until at least 7 February and in the meantime throws the doors of Buckingham Palace in London open for payment from the public.

For the sweet amount of 95 euros, an exclusive tour of the palace’s most important state rooms can be booked on a number of days, the Royal Collection Trust said on Saturday. On every Friday, Saturday and Sunday there are four tours up to and including 3 February in the afternoon, each with 30 seats.

Next week the tour can be booked all week, so also on New Year’s Day. In total there are a hundred tours during the royal holiday. If all of these are fully booked, the Queen earns some 285,000 euros, before deduction of costs. Of the champagne, for example, which every visitor receives, in addition to a free souvenir book about the palace.

Buckingham Palace can also be visited every year during the summer holidays of the Queen. Then the public can take a fixed route, and the admission price is considerably lower, but without champagne and without a guide.

©EPA – The Queen stays at the Sandringham estate near Norfolk until at least 7 February and in the meantime throws the doors of Buckingham Palace in London open to the public against payment.

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