Russia not invited to ransomware summit

The United States is organizing a two-day digital summit this week to defend itself against the growing threat of ransomware and other cybercrimes. The White House has not sent an invitation to Russia, a major base for gangs that take corporate and government computers hostage for ransom.

The more than thirty participating countries discuss strategies to become more resilient against the misuse of virtual currencies such as bitcoins, which are often asked to ‘liberate’ digital files.

Attention is also paid to the role of diplomacy. “It is important that the international community works together to ensure that critical infrastructures can withstand malicious cyber activities and that we strengthen our collective cyber defenses,” said a White House spokesperson.

The US has previously held admonishing talks with Moscow about ransomware activities and other cyber attacks from Russia.

“The Russian government has taken some steps, and we look forward to furthering action,” the spokesman said. According to analysts, the gangs are not directly controlled by the Kremlin but are tacitly tolerated.

The summit will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. In addition to the US, India, Australia, Germany, and the UK are leading some of the talks.

Countries such as Canada, France, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and Israel are also represented, as is the European Union. The presence of Russia at a follow-up conference is not excluded.

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