Scotland: A photographer claims to have filmed “The hand of God” in the clouds (photos)

An amateur photographer took some amazing pictures of a cloud formation that would look like “The hand of God.”
The Sun reports that Louise Taylor, 30, took these spectacular photos with her iPhone after spotting the weird formation in the Scottish Highlands.
Louise, from Kinlochewe in the northwestern Highlands, was not far from Tore as she was traveling to Dingwall when she saw this incredible image in the clouds.
“The photos were taken with an iPhone while traveling. The training took place before a major windstorm hit Scotland.”
“It’s a twisted lenticular cloud shape. The strangest cloud I have ever seen.”
After sharing the photos on Saturday, the celestial vision sparked a host of comments on social networks.
“It looks like an arm that extends to the ground, the palm of your hand up,” wrote Ana Maria Cerrudo.
More scene below(Photo Credit: Louise Taylor/Cover Images **All usages and enquiries, please contact [email protected]):