Weird: Seizure of 17.5 kg of cocaine in the DRC

Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo announced Wednesday that it had seized 17.5 kg of cocaine. The drug was intercepted Tuesday at the Kinshasa airport, said a police statement.

“This is a major drug seizure,” said Colonel Pierrot Mwanamputu, spokesman for the Congolese police.

“17, 5 kg of cocaine for an estimated value of 260 000 dollars,” details the officer.

The drug was intercepted in a warehouse at Kinshasa airport and it was hidden inside bicycle helmets.

A suspect has already been arrested.

Seizure of 17.5 kg of cocaine in the DRC
©Archives – An expert doing a test before the cremation of a drug

The cargo that came from India, passed through Dubai and Nairobi, before arriving in the Congolese capital.

According to a source close to the investigation, the Democratic Republic of Congo would not be the final recipient of this batch of cocaine.

According to this source, the drug was about to be shipped back to Europe and the United States.

The 17.5 kg of cocaine seized should be incinerated, police say. The last cocaine seizure at the Kinshasa airport, made public, dates back to April 2013.

Some 680 grams of this white powder had been intercepted. The drug came from South Africa and had for the final destination, Angola.

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