Sidy Diop, a singer, has been fined 150,000 FCFA for driving without a license

The verdict regarding driving without a license and insurance against singer Sidy Diop has been delivered. The artist was acquitted of the charges of producing and using false documents on the benefit of the doubt. He was sentenced to pay a fine of 150,000 FCFA for driving without a license.

DuIn his judgment on August 26, Sidy Diop partially admitted the facts of his charges. Before the judge, he apologized for driving without a license and promised not to make the same mistake. During his hearing, Sidy Diop was accused of producing false insurance.

Although the charges of producing false documents were dismissed, the prosecution’s representative requested that the offense of driving without a license and insurance be retained. The prosecutor requested the application of criminal law and referred to the judge’s wisdom to determine the sentence to be imposed on the singer.

The defense provided by lawyers Me Aboubacry Barro, Me Abdoulaye Tall, and Co. pleaded for the court’s leniency in favor of their client, who, according to them, was the victim of a false insurance policy. They subsidiarily requested a waiver of sentence for him.

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