Signs that the person you are communicating with may betray you

If you’ve been betrayed at least once, you probably remember the unpleasant feelings you had to go through. To avoid reencountering them, you must be attentive to who you communicate with. Of course, it is impossible to be sure that some person can commit meanness behind your back. However, some behavioral features indicate a tendency to do this.
10 signs that the person you are communicating with may betray you
1. He has no empathy

If your interlocutor does not show empathy for others, even when you are witnessing an unpleasant situation, this is a sign that he does not have enough empathy. People deprived of this quality can easily betray others. They do not know how to put themselves in the place of someone they have hurt, so they quickly turn away and act meanly when needed.
2. He lies without hesitation
You may have evidence that the person lied to you, but they will still insist that they are not to blame for anything. Those who easily betray others often lie. Therefore, if your friend or colleague lies even in small things or often exaggerates his successes, you must watch him.
3. It changes dramatically if it does not get the desired

At some point, the person you’re talking to may seem incredibly sweet and good-natured, especially when he convinces you to do him a favor or borrow money. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M. For the full article. But if you answer ”no” to him, you see that your friend is changing before your eyes. As soon as he realizes that he will not be able to get his way, he begins to show anger and coldness or pretend to be a victim. Believe me, such a person is prone to selfish acts and can easily betray you, especially if you are useless to him now and then.
4. He does not realize how his actions affect others
Traitors don’t think about how their actions affect other people. Even if you tell them openly that they have hurt or harmed you, they will insist that they have done nothing wrong. For example, your interlocutor may be fine when he stealthily takes a video of you and sends it to the general chat of friends. Or share a photo of you turning out badly on social networks, but he’s excellent.
5. He does not let you into his personal life

It’s normal when a new friend is in no hurry to talk about his personal life. But it’s worth straining when you speak to a person for a long time, and he translates the topic to his family, work, education, and other things that friends share. Traitors keep everything secret on purpose so that you can’t “hit” them back after they commit meanness.
6. He never includes you in his plans
True friendship is based on interest, so good friends often include each other in their plans. For example, they offer to walk, meet in a cafe, or invite you to visit. A person who would easily betray you is not interested in intimacy. He will spend time with you when convenient, but you will never hear that he would like to include you in his plans. And it’s a shame, especially if you like talking to him.
7. He often flatters

Sometimes, it is enjoyable to receive compliments from friends — but only if they are sincere and to the point. But if your interlocutor showers you with praise about and without, and his words are very similar to an accurate bombardment of flattery, you need to be careful with him. Perhaps he’s just trying to lull your vigilance and pretend to be a good friend to hide that he’s up to something mean.
8. He wants to know everything about you
Along with the fact that a potential traitor is hiding his life from you, he will be very much interested in yours. You can’t hide from his questions; the locals don’t. Sometimes, you can feel like you’re being interrogated rather than just having a conversation. And this is a clear sign that a person wants to get to know you better, not to strengthen relationships, but to find your vulnerabilities.
9. He’s getting too close too fast

Developing a strong friendship is always a matter of time. It is impossible to get close to someone in a couple of weeks and say you are inseparable from him. However, people who are prone to betrayal always rush things. They try to spend as much time with you as possible, give you gifts, call you by your nickname — that is, they do everything that usually takes years of friendship.
10. He has no close friends
Most people have at least one or two close friends. But not for those who often betrayed others. If a person has no friends and there are no external circumstances that could affect this, for example, moving to another city, you need to be careful with him. His actions gave away everyone he knew, and this may indicate an increased risk of betrayal on his part.