Signs you’re a convenient friend without value

Suppose you can have a friend who supports you only if it does not require much time and effort from him. You can be a friend of convenience. Of course, it’s unpleasant when someone does this to you.

One-sided friendships never bring joy and always end in disappointment. That is why it is important to understand in time the signs that you are a convenient, not a valuable, friend and that you are being used.

Ten signs you’re a convenient friend without value

1. Your schedule always matches someone else’s

One of the main signs that you’re a comfortable friend is when you always feel plans should revolve around your buddies’ schedules. You go for a walk with them, putting things off. You often notice that they think your schedule is always open, so they never ask how convenient it is for you to meet with them.

Receiving messages like “Hi, I’ll stop by after work” or “Let’s meet on Friday because my week is packed to capacity” is an example of someone expecting you to “squeeze in” into their very important life. Such messages can also indicate that your friend does not respect you or your time.

2. You always start conversations

A good, strong friendship is one in which both people invest time, effort, and energy. However, if you are the only initiator of communication, this is another sign that you maintain a one-sided relationship. For example, if a friend never writes to you first, does not offer to meet, and also leaves important decisions only for you, then you are convenient for him, not valuable.

3. You only get calls when a friend needs something

One of the most unpleasant signs of a friendship of convenience is when you have a friend who calls you and shows interest only when he needs something. For example, you receive an invitation to a meeting, but each time, you realize it was done to ask you for a favor. But simultaneously, you understand that a person never reciprocates you, and you cannot expect help from him.

4. You’re a boring backup.

It’s unlikely that you want to be a backup option rather than a priority for the person you call your friend. But it happens that we do not notice that this is the case. We are invited to go for a walk when we cannot meet someone else, or we are invited to visit if we are bored and have nothing to do.

And if this happens regularly, the one who does this cannot be called a real friend. For him, you are just a convenient person who will gladly dispel someone else’s longing and not someone with whom you want to spend time and maintain a relationship.

5. You are often ignored

Some people don’t like talking on the phone or texting all day and try to live in reality, not on the Internet. But if your friend rarely answers your calls and ignores the questions you ask in text messages, this is a red flag. Especially if you notice that he does not let go of the phone or chat with someone else while you communicate with him.

6. You feel abandoned

If you have an unreliable friend who quickly abandons plans, this does not always mean that he sees you as a convenient, not a valuable friend. Perhaps he does not have the share of responsibility that is needed to keep his word.

However, if you hear from other people how punctual and obliging your friend is, and you always tolerate his lateness or cancellation of plans at the last moment, it’s worth considering.

Perhaps he doesn’t emphasize how you feel in such situations. The feeling of being constantly abandoned is not the best. It’s doubly unpleasant when you realize a friend cancels joint plans to hang out with others.

7. Your kindness is exploited

It’s not always worth being suspicious of friends’ motives, especially if there are no signs they are trying to use you. But still, it’s worth periodically analyzing their behavior and wondering why they maintain a relationship with you.

Some people may make acquaintances solely for the sake of getting benefits, and this is worth remembering. If you suspect a friend is using you, it’s time to stop being too kind and repeatedly say “no” to his requests to check if you are valuable to him.

8. He quickly disappears and reappears as if nothing happened

A friend who disappears indefinitely does not make himself feel and then returns as if nothing had happened is unreliable. This is especially true if he never talks about the reasons for his absence and does not consider it necessary to say “sorry.”

Sometimes, you want to hide from the world, be alone, and experience unpleasant emotions without telling anyone what you feel. But if a friend disappears and then appears, it’s worth considering how much he appreciates you.

9. You can never correctly tell about yourself

To maintain friendships and build trust, you must talk about yourself and listen to what a friend says. But if you always notice that he becomes distracted and shows signs of boredom every time you talk about your personal life, work, and hobbies, it’s time to think: maybe it’s not worth wasting time on such a friend.

It is necessary to reflect on the same thing if you notice that he always talks about himself and does not let you insert a word. It would be best if you hardly had a friendship where you are a listener or a psychologist and not someone with a person who has the right to speak out.

It would help if you hardly had a friendship where you are a listener or a psychologist and not someone with a person who has the right to speak out. It would help if you hardly had a friendship where you are a listener or a psychologist and not someone with a person who has the right to speak out.

10. You feel alone in your problems

Not every friendship of convenience is bad, especially if it is mutually beneficial. For example, maintaining superficial relationships with neighbors can bear fruit in emergencies, and friendship with colleagues helps to survive in a work team.

But still, it’s worth ending a friendship with a person when you only give but never receive. If your friend is unavailable when you need help, always refuses the slightest services, or does not find time to talk to you, you should not waste your strength and energy communicating with him. Especially if he constantly demands something from you.

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