Since last night, the transition to wintertime has been in effect!

The move to wintertime has been in effect since 3 a.m. on Sunday, October 31, 2021, saving an additional hour. However, this system for switching from winter to summertime was intended to be removed. What exactly is it?

Many people were astonished to see that the time on their smartphone, tablet, or other device had changed this morning. On the night of October 30 to 31, 2021, these gadgets will all be automatically set to wintertime. It’s now time for those who haven’t already done so to set their watches to one o’clock.

Clearly, from Saturday, October 30 to Sunday, October 31, Europeans will have one hour extra, and they will figure out how to make the most of it. However, keep in mind that the day will r ise one hour earlier, and the night will fall an hour quicker as a result. It will stay like way until the winter solstice.

Suppose the time never changes in Guadeloupe, Martinique, or Reunion, these so-called overseas territories, due to the constant sunlight difference. In that case, this is not the situation in Europe, where a proposal to eliminate the time change mechanism was in the works elsewhere. The termination of the transition from winter to summertime, as voted in the European Parliament in 2019, is still in force.

The concept seems difficult to implement due to obstacles, particularly near the border, where neighbors choose between summer and winter. The European Union Council has temporarily halted any discussions on this matter because of the Covid-19.

The transition from summer to winter is also felt in Africa, although in a different manner. The time is fixed because this time change mechanism does not exist in Africa, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, starting Saturday, October 30, the sun has set considerably earlier and has risen much earlier this Sunday morning.

Remember that summer or wintertime is a national custom in which a country’s time is adjusted according to its time zone. The major goal of the time shift is to align activity hours as closely as possible with daylight hours to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

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