Social pressures to drop for mental health

Social pressures can become a cause of concern, both individually and collectively. They are passed down from the older generation to the younger because “it’s the right thing to do.” However, not all beliefs of the past are valid in the present.

You should eliminate a few social expectations for peace of mind and well-being.

8 Social pressures to drop for mental health

1. You need to buy a house

This is an old-fashioned and very annoying social expectation. The reason is not that not everyone will have the finances for a house in the city. Many people choose to rent because it allows them to stay mobile and flexible. And not everyone will agree to get involved in a mortgage without a down payment just to buy at least some kind of housing.

Do not think you are a loser if you do not want to purchase real estate or make it your goal in the distant future. It is essential to think three times before taking such an important step, and if you are not ready for it, it is better to postpone a large purchase for later.

2. Work should be steady

You’ve probably heard this phrase from the older generation, especially if you’ve tried to explain to relatives the benefits of freelancing or self-employment. Stability is one of the advantages of work, and it is almost the main thing.

At the same time, this term means something like, “I spend time there, I get paid, and that’s it.” There is no career growth for you, no other prospects. It is sad that many people settle for stability, missing out on the benefits and advantages and not trying anything new.

They are flushing their potential down the drain and need to grow as professionals or individuals. Of course, having a job that helps pay the bills is great, but it’s still better to work where the salary allows much more. So try to choose opportunities, not just “stability,” which will drive you into a dull frame. But remember that it is important to be able to take risks.

Do not give in to hasty decisions, and do not trust employers who promise mountains of gold from the sky for a minimum of skills and effort. Be picky and don’t settle for less, but don’t get involved in questionable projects — this approach is worth using when looking for a job.

3. Are you too young or old for a family

Many people say you are too old or young to start a family. But the truth is that there is no perfect time to get married, and there will always be someone who will condemn your decision.

If you wait until you’re forty, they’ll say it’s too late to get married; if you propose at twenty, they’ll look at you disapprovingly and comment that it’s “young and green.” It would help if you didn’t listen to others regarding such important decisions. Social expectations should not pressure you and serve as a beacon of your choice. Learn to live on your terms and do as you see fit.

4. Need to work more or less

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If you are busy doing what you truly love, you will try to increase your productivity. People will tell you not to work too hard. This advice should be taken only if it is justified: for example, if you work until you burn out or do not notice how work replaces your family and friends.

Perhaps those who recommend that you do less want your life to be like theirs. But the way other people live is only sometimes suitable for us, and in any case, it is worth making a choice that suits you.

5. Look up to your parents

We all come from our parents’ families. But what our parents have only sometimes works for us. Let’s give a simple example: a creative boy who grows up in a family of lawyers and chooses another career. He is happy and contented with life.

But if he had followed in his parent’s footsteps and become a lawyer, perhaps he would have been disappointed in himself, the profession, and others, fallen into depression, and lost many years. So, you only sometimes need to look up to your parents, much less please them. You are following your path, where it depends only on your decisions.

6. You must have many friends

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Many people believe that popularity is worth striving for and is only possible with many friends and buddies. But only some people need a crowd to feel great. Our ancestors developed the herd mentality around feeling great to protect themselves and increase their chances of survival.

In modern society, it is also only possible to interact with society, but surrounding yourself with many people or having a couple of loyal friends remains a personal decision for each of us.

7. You should always be busy

9 signs you need a break

Perhaps in childhood, you heard the phrase, “Rest is a change of mental labor to physical labor.” Therefore, after completing your homework, you dig a vegetable garden or clean the apartment. Of course, helping your family is excellent. But the main message, which lies in the phrase about rest, is that you should always be busy.

Many people have become burned out because they believe this approach is correct. To avoid this trap, it is essential to remember that productivity can only be achieved with sufficient rest.

So it’s time to learn to relax and allow your mind and body to regain strength to achieve more and feel good. And people who put pressure on you with the social expectation that you need to be busy twenty-four hours a day, let them live as they want.

8. Do not show weakness

Another form of this social pressure is “Men don’t cry.” You should not believe her and assume you should never show weakness. Real men do not just cry; they occasionally allow themselves to cry and complain to their loved ones about sorrows and problems.

This helps to eliminate negative feelings that lie like a dead weight on your soul, get support, and, perhaps, important advice that you should listen to. To show weakness, you need to have masculinity and inner strength. So, it’s time to rethink your approach to expressing emotions and allow yourself to talk about them to those who can listen to you.

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